Monday, January 26, 2009

365 Project days 1-8 (Jan 17- 24)

So I am doing the 365 project that my friend Heather is doing I just started mine late oh well that's OK I will just end later. So here is the first bunch. Day 1- We were on our way back from Rupert. Day 2- We set up and played with the village. Day 3- Reading time. Day 4 - Grocery Time!

Day 5- I learned new photoshop skills from Heather and I had bible study. Day 6- I got a new journal and I decorated my precept binder. Day 7- We had Heather's kids stay the night! Day 8- Lazy day!

1 comment:

  1. Your taking such cute photos! Look at those 3 cuties.. wink wink!
